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All in Places We Snuck Into
We had our Eternals Premiere event last week and fun was had. Well, it would be hard not to enjoy yourself in a room filled with our listeners where festivities were lubricated by an open bar with Jameson cocktails and an endless flow of pizza!!!
Zambian hit maker Roberto of Amarula fame (the song not the drink. Nobody wants to be famous because of alcohol, except Dan) performed in Harare over the weekend to a sold crowd at the HICC for the SIMMAD 2015 Shutdown.
Once again our in the field reporter Napoleon "Napster" Nyanhi managed to convince a celebrity that 2 Broke Twimbos is a platform worth speaking to. Napoleon caught up with the beautiful Khanyi Mbau at the BET Experience Africa to discuss her career and various business interests before he collapsed into a puddle of his own drool.
Our in the field reporter Napoleon "Napster" Nyanhi managed to get hold of Zororo Makamba from Tonight With Zororo to discuss the success of his new talk show on Zambezi Magic and how he managed to sneak into the BET Africa Experience. Sadly he was not able to help get Dan & Phil in.
Once again the 2 Broke Twimbos have managed to take their depressing form struggle international! Over the weekend Phil managed to attend the BET Experience Africa in Johannesburg with Napoleon Nyanhi from StarFM. The two intrepid Zimbabweans managed to gather some footage and photos from the event which you can view below.
Saturday 7 November was a good day. Not only did we as the 2 Broke Twimbos finally have enough money saved up to enjoy a scrumptious pork pie but Castle Lite was also holding their first ever Extra Cold Block Party here in Harare. What made this event so special was the fact that entry was FREE. YES! FREE 99 people!
The full Shoko Festival 2015 program is available finally, and as the resourceful yet cheap mavericks that we are, we have managed to obtain it for you in full! Don't forget, it's $5 entry per day which gives you full access to ALL the shows on that day (a veritable fortune for us, but surely a pittance for you Mr Moneybagses out there) AND FREE on Saturday for the Peace In The Hood concert in Chitungwiza.
Early drop! Dan & Phil link up with something short (by our standards) and sweet (by your standards) for this week's episode, where they talk some sports ball, before voicing thoughts about the entertainment scene in Zimbabwe and the rest of the world. Enjoy!