Prince Qwela X Zyon Black - Mudzimu (Zyon Black Bass Edit)
Zyon Black recently got his musically inclined paws on Prince Qwela;'s title track off the album of the same name. If you have been paying attention during our interview with Metaphysics you would know that Prince Qwela is one of his nom de plumes .
Zyon Black does an impressive job remixing this joint, I can't wait until my career as a club DJ takes off so I can spin this. MAIWEEEEE !!
Comrades! Consider this a peace offering! The 2 Broke Twimbos were part of a panel celebrating Africa Podcast Day this week courtesy of Afripods, together with Thabo & Sena of 6 Ft Weights & King Kandoro of Black & Forth. So after a brief intro and some noise, enjoy the discussion and shots thrown at YOU the listener.