Shoko Application Form
Are you a struggle rapper? Are you hoping for your mixtape career to take off? Do you need more "fans" outside of twitter? Well Shoko is the place for you!
In all seriousness, Shoko is Zimbabwe's largest spoken word & Hip Hop festival. If you are an artist looking to get his work out there, this is the place to start. Applications to perform at the event are still available from the Shoko website.
Once you are done, email the completed form to . Its so simple even Dan can't mess it up
Dan & Phil make it through the haters trying to block the podcast release with a brand new episode on your headtop! Big argument in the beginning about balancing being offline and available for opportunities, before the belated response to the responses from the Superbowl Halftime Show. The duo also talk about the recently announced NAMA nominations, and give relationship advice lol. Enjoy!