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In January 2014 Radio personality DannythatGuy and digital marketer Phil Chard launched 2 Broke Twimbos .
2 Broke Twimbos is digital content brand that focuses on telling the stories of African creatives and documenting their work. The cornerstone of the 2 Broke Twimbos brand is the award winning 2 Broke Twimbos podcast which generates over 120,000 downloads every month.
2 Broke Twimbos consistently ranks as the Number 1 podcast in Zimbabwe across all genres.
Source: Apple Podcasts and Chartable Podcast tracking.
Comrades! Consider this a peace offering! The 2 Broke Twimbos were part of a panel celebrating Africa Podcast Day this week courtesy of Afripods, together with Thabo & Sena of 6 Ft Weights & King Kandoro of Black & Forth. So after a brief intro and some noise, enjoy the discussion and shots thrown at YOU the listener.