All in 2BT Podcast

The Letter A Is For ____ Episode

In a tough week for podcasts in general (see The Joe Budden Podcast and that other one that’s being sued by Bonang in South Africa), the 2 Broke Twimbos are back with a new episode of the only podcast to not feel the need to use the word “allegedly”. Dan & Phil decide to do everything possible to also get their podcast trending: discussing opinions on Israel and Palestine, telling stories about Bonang, trying to fire Godwin’s empty chair. Are we trending yet? Of course, the mental health segment is a strong one, as couples therapist Peter Muhwati joins our resident mental health expert Dr Nyarai Paweni of Wired 2 Love & Thrive to discuss relationship stress. And of course, there’s new music to review, enjoy!

The Maybe Don't Tinder Episode

You never have to ask what this podcast brings to the table, herewith a brand new episode of the only podcast that you can use to keep mosquitoes away at night. Dan & Phil return to deliver your relationship questions to our therapists Dr Nyarai, Dr Nel and Blessing, before analyzing what has been going on with your favourite dancehall supervillain, artists scrambling for money in entirely the wrong ways and an in-depth analysis of why NOT to send that risqué picture.

The Love Shutdown Episode

The ambassadors of unfocused youth, Phil & Dan return with a brand new episode of the only podcast to have put on more weight than Will Smith during lockdown. 2 Broke Twimbos is back! Still feeling the 4 and a half hour episode hangover, Dan & Phil take it easy, discussing chaos in the country as a supposed “man of God” goes on his album tour, the music business revealed by Apple, YouTube and more, as well as the end of life service pack that saw the availability of a new eligible billionaire. We also have new music to check out, and jokes to laugh at.

The Empty Plate Episode with King Kandoro

Phew this is a long one, welcome comrades! The 2 Broke Twimbos are sad to see a podcast leave, and have invited King Kandoro and Nick Titan of Sadza in The Morning to the show to point in their faces and laugh, unfortunately, only half the team shows up. But first, a treat! We have Dr Nyarai Pamweni and Dr Olga Nel on the show to directly answer some of your therapy questions in our new mental health segment. The show then features in depth discussions about the music business, Nash TV and contracts, Winky D and lawsuits, as well as Levels and toys being thrown out of prams.

Some of our patrons also join us to review new music, before a candid chat about podcasting, creating and money. Enjoy!

The Podcast Superleague Episode with Marlon Fuentes

Like a group of super-rich football clubs with plans to become even richer, nothing can stop the inevitable march forward of 2 Broke Twimbos. Dan & Phil are back, and they take time to remember rapper Black Rob, to review Holy Ten’s new album Risky Life and as a special treat, they get to chat to the Global Music Manager for the Grammy Awards, Marlon Fuentes: a must-hear for anyone interested in how a Zimbabwean artist can be nominated for and win a Grammy Award.