2 Broke Twimbos

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The Ready Player None Episode

Comrades & Opps, the 2 Broke Twimbos bring you a fresh new episode of your favourite tech ombudsman podcast. Dan & Phil keep a close eye (!) on the new Apple product, they recap their experience at this year's ZIMA Awards and they have questions about Harare DJ's. New music too, enjoy!


00:02:00 - Throwback Viral Video

00:10:00 - Intro

00:12:00 - Zimbabweans Doing It Big

00:20:00 - Follow Up - Hollywood Strike

00:24:00 - Apple Vision Pro

00:54:00 - Fire Emoji Ownership

01:18:00 - ZIMA Awards Recap

01:48:00 - Harare DJ's

02:00:00 - New Music

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The Ready Player None Episode 2 Broke Twimbos