MWM : Developing Skills in Children with Suraiya Essof
This week on Mental Wellness Mondays we have Suraiya Essof who is an Industrial Psychologist and Educator. She is also the founder and director of Kites for Peace, a global recreational movement for social change and the co-founder and coordinator of the Zimbabwe Cares Network, a network of over 150 community organizations in Zimbabwe.
On the podcast, we discuss all the incredible work Suraiya is doing to help the youthies, and the coaching and life skills training she is doing to ensure they're maximising their potential.
You can get hold of her and Kites For Peace via their website:
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Comrades! Consider this a peace offering! The 2 Broke Twimbos were part of a panel celebrating Africa Podcast Day this week courtesy of Afripods, together with Thabo & Sena of 6 Ft Weights & King Kandoro of Black & Forth. So after a brief intro and some noise, enjoy the discussion and shots thrown at YOU the listener.