The Lowest Score Episode
Comrades and fellow sufferers, your favourite financial literacy and artificial “intelligence” podcast is back with a brand new episode, set to increase load-shedding schedules across Zimbabwe. Phil is finally back in the country and the dynamic duo quickly catch up on this episode, discussing earth-shattering affairs such as illuminati belts, technological plurals and Caucasian sungura. They also speak on Enzo Ishall’s latest rare misstep, Uncle Rolen and a whole lot of dope new music. Check it out!
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Comrades! Consider this a peace offering! The 2 Broke Twimbos were part of a panel celebrating Africa Podcast Day this week courtesy of Afripods, together with Thabo & Sena of 6 Ft Weights & King Kandoro of Black & Forth. So after a brief intro and some noise, enjoy the discussion and shots thrown at YOU the listener.