The Tuku Tribute Episode
In a special episode of 2 Broke Twimbos, the podcast you love to hate to love puts together a tribute to Zimbabwe’s greatest ever musician, Oliver Mtukudzi, after his untimely passing last week. Dan & Phil reminisce while inviting those who were close to him to do the same. In this episode, the 2 Broke Twimbos call on Tuku’s former lead guitarist Mono Mukundu, his frequent on-stage collaborator and mentee Tariro NeGitare and his most recent manager Walter Wanyanya to share their experiences with the legendary Zimbabwean treasure, as well as express their own tributes. The moving episode also features a heavy music element as each guest was asked to pick one favourite Oliver Mtukudzi song, while Dan & Phil picked 3 songs each:
Mono Mukundu - Handiro Dambudziko
Tariro NeGitare - Chiri Nani
Walter Wanyanya - Ndima Ndapedza
Danny that Guy - Ndakuvara, Mutserendende, Kunze Kwadoka
Phil Chard - Andinzwi, Mbabvu Yangu, Chimbambaira Chiri Mupoto
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Comrades! Consider this a peace offering! The 2 Broke Twimbos were part of a panel celebrating Africa Podcast Day this week courtesy of Afripods, together with Thabo & Sena of 6 Ft Weights & King Kandoro of Black & Forth. So after a brief intro and some noise, enjoy the discussion and shots thrown at YOU the listener.